Cite us: Teslić, N., Pojić, M., Stupar, A., Mandić, A., Pavlić, B., Mišan, A. (2025) PhInd—Database on Polyphenol Content in Agri-Food By-Products and Waste: Features of the Database. Antioxidants, 13, 97.

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Year: 2018


Latin Name: Cocos nucifera L.
Common Name: Coconut
Cultivar/variety: West Coast Tall
Class: Nut
Part: Kernel
Origin: India
Industry: Nut processing
Industrial process step: Dehulling,Deshelling
Scale: Industrial
Number of Lots: 1
Number of Replicates Within One Lot: 3
Moisture Content: N.A.


Sample: Pretreated
Defatting: Organic Solvent Extraction
Drying: Other
Thermal/Non Thermal: No
Particle Size: ˂200 mesh


Technique: Solid-liquid extraction
Solvent: Other
Hydrolysis: Yes

Total Phenols Content:

Unit: mg GAE/g
TPspectrophotometric: 167
TPhplc: 74924.47
Unit: μg/g

Individual compounds

Polyphenol class

Individual Compounds:

Phenolic Acids / Derivatives Content STD Flavonoids / Derivatives Content STD Stilbenes / Derivatives Content STD Lignans Content STD Other Content STD
Chlorogenic acid 0.07000 Catechin 96.30000
Vanilic acid 411.00000 Umbelliferone 0.30000
Syringic acid 21.10000 Luteolin 60.60000
Ferulic acid 8592.00000 Rutin 32.00000
Caffeic acid 654.00000 Hesperetin 37.80000
Gallic acid 5654.00000 Myricetin 30.80000
p-Coumaric acid 15778.00000 Quercetin 96.80000
o-Coumaric acid 2745.00000 Apigenin 57.70000
2,4-Dihyroxybenzoic acid 13.20000 Naringenin 101.00000
Gentisic acid 33.10000 Kaempferol 3090.00000
Protocatechuic acid 34015.00000 Epicatechin 33.10000
trans-Cinnamic acid 412.00000 Epigallocatechin 51.60000
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 1257.00000
Salicylic acid 1157.00000
3-Hyroxybenzoic acid 213.00000
Sinapic acid 281.00000
∑TPHPLC: 74924.47