Cite us: Teslić, N., Pojić, M., Stupar, A., Mandić, A., Pavlić, B., Mišan, A. (2024) PhInd—Database on Polyphenol Content in Agri-Food By-Products and Waste: Features of the Database. Antioxidants, 13, 97.







Export Graph
DOI Year Latin Name Common name Actions
Link   2021  Brassica napus L.  Rapeseed  Details Export
Link   2016  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2016  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2020  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2020  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2021  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2021  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2021  Rubus idaeus L.  Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2019  Rubus idaeus L.   Raspberry  Details Export
Link   2016  Vitis vinifera L.  Red and white grape  Details Export
Link   2016  Vitis vinifera L.  Red and white grape  Details Export
Link   2016  Vitis vinifera L.  Red and white grape  Details Export
Link   2016  Vitis vinifera L.  Red and white grape  Details Export
Link   2020  Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.  Red bayberry  Details Export
Link   2021  Zea mays  Red corn  Details Export
Link   2017  Vitis vinifera  Red grape  Details Export
Link   2018  Vitis vinifera  Red grape  Details Export
Link   2021  Vitis vinifera  Red grape  Details Export
Link   2021  Vitis vinifera  Red grape  Details Export
Link   2021  Vitis vinifera   Red grape  Details Export